First American International Information Center for Altruism and Intellect Development “Ayfaar”, located in central Florida, commences its activity! A group of “ Ayfaarovtsy” (Ayfaarians - Ukraine Crimea “Ayfaar” community members) is being dispatched to the Florida Center in order to facilitate the organization of all of its necessary functions. We cordially invite you to our Florida Center to fully immense into the depth of Ayfaar relationship principles, iissiidiological Knowledge and a completely new type of intellectually-altruistic interpersonal interactions.
Remaining on Ayfaar’s territory while cultivating lluuvvu-like (truly Human) interaction principles, insures the most radical means of conscious refocusing into the more favorable variants of our nearest collective future. The Qualities of openness, honesty, responsibility and spiritual initiative, cultivated through the principles of self-consciousness Ayfaar relations are being the most fundamental psyche-spiritual guidelines, allowing any Ayfaarian the chance of drastically reshaping their own Self-Awareness in the direction of absolute positivism on the daily basis, while discovering the inner inexhaustible source of harmonious self-improvement, all of which is based upon the highly-intellectual Altruism, coupled with highly-sensuous Intellect development.
Every human being sequentially creates their own destiny by means of Thoughts, Desires, Aspirations, habits and inclinations. Our destiny – is a result of our voluntary instantaneous re-focusing throughout the multidimensional and multi-qualitative Self-Consciousness structure. Therefore every one of us has the real opportunity and ability to purposefully alter and correct of our own Destiny by means of altering of our reasoning, sensing and habit quality. More likely than not you already know that we only live around and face something, which has been previously modulated and experienced within our own Self-Consciousness, hence the quality of our lives is directly related to the quality of our creation, whether it’s inside, or around us.
The Ayfaar daily relationship practice allows for motivational model development in order to successfully cognize and experience the negativity aspects, while activating high-quality Thought-Forms within our own Self-Consciousness, pertaining to selfless spiritual service to the whole humankind community. The information, relayed within IISSIIDIOLOGY helps to initiate more conscious and goal-oriented work with such qualities as: egoism, ambition, arrogance, envy, jealousy, hypocrisy and many others, while forming of absolutely unprecedented perception regarding the True Love, which isn’t based upon the harshly-emotional possessiveness and personalized loyalties.
It isn’t a secret that we all have very individual peculiarities of our psyche, which we call our “weaknesses”, and which at times cause extensive amount of problems and issues, depriving us of time and power. And more often than not, when we express irritability, resentment, anger, or frustration as a result of their pressure, the specific circumstances, such as various losses, injuries, fears and threats, corresponding to these psychic emotional states, are being “attracted” to our lives in abundance. Ridding of Focus Dynamics from the influence of such low-frequency manifestations, coupled with the complete refocusing towards the purely positive creation activity – is a primary objective of our first Ayfaarian group in the USA. That objective is definitely a complex one, requiring a tremendous amount of mental and physical stress, and without an extensive and even academic comprehension of our Self-Consciousness functioning mechanism structures, all our self-development efforts could lead instead to the increased subjectivity and spiritual pride.
The detailed research of information conveyed through IISSIIDIOLOGY, together with higher sensibility development by means of Ayfaar songs singing, will allow any IIAIDC visitors to balance their mental and emotional Self-Consciousness constituents, constructing a robust backlog in terms of high-spiritual Aspiration on the path of self-cognition, while initiating a steady desire of constant introduction of new discoveries and achievements into the humankind’s collective Self-Consciousness.
Our Florida Self-Development Center is designed to discover, implement and put into practice the true Human relationship principles utilizing the Intellect and Altruism development methodology. Beginning now the IISSIIDIOLOGY book editors and Ayfaar ensemble members are ready to provide assistance regarding the highly-intellectual and highly-sensuous Self-Consciousness level development and improvement to any American IISSIIDIOLOGY reader who decides to visit the Center.
Please contact Kraullarrd regarding all Center visiting inquiries!
+1 (347) 210 2838
Welcome to the First American Ayfaar Center!
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